Our answers to your questions

How to track my order?

You can check the status of your order via the "Track my order" page; just enter the email address, or phone number, used for your purchase and click on “Submit”. Then the status of your order will be displayed:


Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with the tracking number of your package. You can follow the progress of the delivery by clicking on “View” You will be directed to a new page where you can find all the information about the delivery of your order:

  • tracking number
  • summery of your order
  • delivery address
  • billing address

All shipments to European countries are made from our logistics center in Belgium.


Standard delivery:

Shipments between Belgium and the country of destination are made by La Poste, then they will be handled by the local carrier of the country of destination.

To track your order once it has arrived in your country, simply select the tracking number (received in the shipment confirmation email) and copy it to your local post office website. You will then have access to every delivery information.


Delivery France / Belgium

Shipments to France are made by La Poste Lettre Suivie.
Shipments to Belgium are made by Bpost.

You can therefore access the tracking information directly via the link provided in the shipment confirmation email.


Express delivery

If you have opted for an express delivery, the shipment of your order will be handled by Chronopost that will directly provide all the information specific to each delivery (delivery time, delay notification, holidays, customs restrictions, etc.).


All shipments outside Europe countries are made from our logistics center in USA.

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